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Understanding your organization

Business impact analysis and risk assessment

Planning business continuity procedures

Embedding BCMS in the culture of your organisation

Exercises and testing, system maintenance

Our plans are not considered viable until the assumptions in them have been tested and the stakeholders have practiced their activities. We can help you to develop and implement a practical program tailored to your company’s operations and to maintain your plans and procedures.

Conformity assessment and audits

Why is business continuity vital?


[] The Covid-19 pandemic caused widespread disruption for many organisations, and this year’s war events highlight the importance of developing risk management approaches that include preparing for the unexpected and building lasting resilience.
[] Secondary impacts of Covid-19, such as health and safety incidents, IT/communications outages and cyber-attacks have all increased significantly compared to previous years.
[] For the future, managing supply chain disruptions and ensuring financial stability is a key challenge for organisations.
[] 71.8% of respondents to The Buisness Continuity Institute’s 2021 Horizon Scan survey believe that ISO 22301 certification helps increase an organisation’s resilience, while 69% said it enables consistent measurement and monitoring of BCM.
[] While ISO 22301 certification declined slightly in 2020 after increasing in previous years – thanks to postponed and failed renewal audits due to the pandemic – the number of organisations using the standard as a framework increased, suggesting a reassessment of the standard’s importance and effectiveness due to the impact of the pandemic.

About the ISO 22301 standard

[] ISO 22301 sets out the requirements for the implementation, maintenance and improvement of a Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) to protect against, reduce the likelihood of, prepare for, respond to and recover from disruptions when they occur.
[] The requirements of ISO 22301 are generic and are intended to be applicable to all organisations or parts of organisations, irrespective of the type, size and nature of the organisation. The extent to which these requirements apply depends on the operating environment and complexity of the organization.
[] ISO 22301 is applicable to all organizations in which:

  • – a BCMS is implemented, maintained and developed;
  • – seek to ensure compliance with a stated business continuity policy;
  • – be able to continue to provide products and services to an acceptable, predetermined capacity during a disruption;
  • – seek to increase their resilience through the effective application of BCMS.

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